Tuesday 11 October 2011


It's taken me a while to get this blog up and running, but better late than never.

My name is Glen Symns and im currently studying computer games design at UCS Ipswich. I like video games and that's all you guys need to know. What can I say im a mysterious guy at least until our interview assignment was given out.

I paired up with Mark pretty cool guy we had ask each other a series of simple questions pre written on a handout sheet.

What fictional book are you currently reading?

Well at the moment I'm not reading any fictional books, however I do like to read manga though I don't know if that really counts as it's more like a comic or graphic novel than a book, but in any case it's fictional and I am currently reading several to name a few: History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi, Bleach, and Tri-Gun.

What Non-Fictional book are you currently reading or last read?

The last book I read non fiction would be Nintendo mounthly it has all the latest info on everything that's Nintendo or Nintendo involved.

What is the last live performance you attended?

I used to be in a band called Troll Master before I came to uni and we were asked to play a set for the people who lost their homes in the London riots.

What was the title of the last film you saw at the cinema, online, or on DVD?

Star Wars: Episode 6 - Return of the Jedi. Nothing more need be said.

How often do you read the news papper?

Not very often in all honesty and thats exactly why I dont read them, it's good to keep up to date on world news, but you cant trust everything a news papper says there build on facts twisted into lies to sell as many copies as possible.

Which gallery/museum/exhibition did you last visit?

The Last exhibition I went to was the Euro gamer expo held in London, Earls Court.

How many hours a week do you spend playing video games?

I used to spend about 40-45 hours a week just playing games however now I spend considerably less time playing games so i'd have to say i spend about 20 hours a week playing games.

How many hours a week do you spend playing games that aren't video games?

I'm not personaly a big fan of board games although i do enjoy the odd mouse trap, or pictionary, or the classic monopoly games though about 5-6 years ago i got really involved in dungeons and dragons to many hours were spent playing that game.


  1. 40 hours a week is a full time job! When you played D&D did you ever act as a dungeon master?

  2. Hi Glenn,

    While you have now got your games blog up and running, it seems to have gone a bit quiet lately. Do take advantage of any time that may be given to make blog posts, or remember to grab a few minutes between sessions or at the end of the day to type up your notes and post them.

  3. Hi Glenn,

    It's been a while since any posts have appeared in your blog. If you check the module area of the Wolsey VLE, you'll see that I've posted a list of blogging topics: use the list to help make sure you cover all the key topics when you update the blog.
