Thursday 29 March 2012

Gender and Games

Now it doesn't take the brain of a rocket scientist to tell that the games industry is a male dominated environment and this shows through in the video games we play with the majority of the time the main protagonist being male, this isn't to say there are no heroins amongst them.

This reading made me aware of the influences of gender on a game (genders of the designers). I also discovered how it is possible for a game to be aimed at both genders, yet the designers may consist of all one gender.

Although the number of woman in games industry may be lower than men, women have had just as mutch influence and success. It is true that the majority of games have a male protagonist, but there are many female protagonists that are household names. Games such as Tomb Raider - Lara Croft, Heavenly Sword - Nariko, and yes even Metroid - Samus Aran.


However there are some games that allow you to choose the gender of your character, this often involves RPG's such as Fable 3 and Dragon Age.

Fable 3:

Dragon Age:

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