Thursday 29 March 2012

Ludus and Paidia

A book called What is a Game Designer was published by James Newman, in this book he talks about the differences between two types of games. Games that have a clear outcome and games that have no set objective or outcome, these types of games are called Ludus and Paidia.


These types of games are linear and the outcome is easy to predict, games such as Pac-Man travelling around the map eating dots and avoiding ghosts or dying and trying again and Dynasty Warriors a hack and slash game where you aim to conquer all the regions and march under one banner.



Paidia is the term given to games with no clear outcome, they are played for the sheer enjoyment of seting and meeting there own goals and doing something new. a good example of this is Minecraft, you set your own goals to create whatever you want to create, there is no limit.

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