Thursday 29 March 2012


Remediation is the term given to the representation of one medium in another. In the article written by Bolter and Grusin they describe of how new mediums use remediation from their predecessors'.


  • Media that aspires to the condition of transparancy.
  • The aim is to try to make the viewer forget they are watching a film.
  • Immersive virtual reality.
  • Photo realistic images.

Immediacy is a form of media that tries to create a transparency over the viewers eyes. The transparency is used to try to make the movie viewer forget their actually watching a movie by drawing you in with story telling and keeping you fixed with immersion techniques. You find these techniques are used well in films like the Godfather, drawing you in with the narrative and story and then immures you in the film often done by creating an emotional or personal connection with the characters and the more you find out about the characters the more you will be drawn in and immersed in the film.


  • Artefacts that are aware of and wish to display their own constructed nature.
  • They call attention to themselves and their constructed nature.
  • www.
  • Game HUD's

Hypermediacy are objects or artifacts that are aware of their existance and want to display the way they fit into the world and not be blurred into the image. E.g. www./HUD's. You can find good examples of this in films like Silent Bob where he sometimes he looks toward the viewer(s) with a puzzled look or bright idea, and old cartoons such as Wacky Racers and The Flintstones did this when the characters would speak to the viewer, this technique is even used in comic books the best example would be Deadpool, who often has dialogue of him talking to the writers of the comic or the readers. This technique is called breaking the fourth wall, the boundary between what's on screen or page and the reality of you watching what's on screen or reading a comic book.

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